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Attitude as Anchor: How Your Business Truly Gains Character

In my business canvas that I use for companies, one of the last questions is what the attitude of the company should be. Not to be confused with the image of a company, because that is the manifestation of the attitude. Time and time again I notice how much difficulty people have in defining an attitude. Not that everyone has to deal with this every day, but what strikes me is that almost no one has thought about this before.

What is the attitude of a company?

You sometimes meet someone who is very funny, witty, or very serious. You especially notice this in his or her language. But someone can also be very engaging or enthusiastic. In that case, a certain body language is often involved. An attitude is therefore a way of communicating and acting and it also works that way in a company.

During the attitude sessions, terms such as 'professional', 'together', 'customer-friendly', or 'integrity' are often mentioned. But this is more about the way of working, values, and preconditions for a company. For example, professionalism and customer friendliness are seen as basic expectations in many contexts. Customers assume that a company is professional in its actions, communications, and services. It is more of a fundamental requirement than a unique feature that sets a brand apart from others. Together and with integrity says more about the internal culture and therefore the values ​​that you jointly agree with each other.

An attitude is a way of communication and the appearance of the company that makes it recognizable. It is confusing if an email is sent to a customer one day in a very businesslike tone, and then the next day the communication is very jovial.

How do you define the attitude of a company?

Only once you have defined a vision, mission, purpose, Big WHY, entity, products and services, and core strategy can you determine the attitude. The attitude must be supportive of the whole. You choose, as it were, an attitude that suits you as a company and is most suitable as a communication style to the outside world.

It's a bit like not going to a gala in sneakers and not attending a funeral with all your bravado and jollity.

How do you describe an attitude?

An attitude can be a word, a combination of several words, or a short sentence. For example:


Wise and modest,


Rebellious with a touch of self-mockery.

To develop an attitude and 'feel' whether it suits the company, you can write a short text in that style. Below are 5 versions, each representing a certain attitude. After the 5 short texts, you can read the attitude with which the text was written.

Version 1:

Dive into a world where the unexpected is king and every moment offers a chance to smile. Here, with us, every day is full of surprises, and growth goes hand in hand with joy. Discover a place where creativity knows no bounds and where your business thrives on the waves of enthusiasm. Are you ready to conquer the world with ease?

Version 2:

Walk with determined steps through a world where every word and deed carries the echo of certainty. In our domain, every strategy is imbued with the power of conviction, and every decision stands as a beacon of reliability. Here, companies build on foundations as solid as granite, shining with the glow of success. Are you strong enough to join us?

Version 3:

In an oasis of calm and depth, where time itself seems wiser, we share the treasures of knowledge and insight. Our community is a haven for those who seek harmony between growth and goodness, between activity and thoughtfulness. Here, success is measured in sustainable impact and the maturity of decisions. Are you ready to explore the depths of meaningful success?

Version 4:

Enter a world where boundaries serve only as invitations to the unknown. With us, every challenge is an adventure, every undertaking a journey of discovery. With passion as a compass and courage as a companion, we search together for treasures hidden behind the horizon of the usual. Do you dare to redraw your map?

Version 5:

Enter a playing field where every norm is challenged, where the future starts today. In our world, ideas are the building blocks of tomorrow, and every step forward is a leap into the unknown. Here innovation is more than a goal; it is our language, the rhythm in which we act, the air we breathe. Ready to not just see the world differently, but make it different?

The answer:

Version 1 has the attitude: We have fun

Version 2 has the attitude: We have self-confidence

Version 3 has the attitude: We are wise leaders

Version 4 has the attitude: We are adventurous

Version 5 has the attitude: We are innovative thinkers

All these attitudes such as "playful", "confident", "wise", "adventurous" and "innovative" give specific, characteristics that can help form a unique brand identity. These attitudes can be used effectively in marketing and communications strategies to attract specific audiences and form an emotional connection with them. They allow us to communicate in a more meaningful and memorable way, both in text and images and can help to position the brand within a particular niche.

Choosing a specific and pronounced attitude helps a company to distinguish itself, which is not just about what you do, but especially about how you do it and how you communicate about it to your target group.

Which words should you avoid using for an attitude description?

There are many wplaces that are less suitable to describe your attitude. Usually because they are too generic, rather a core value or a foundation for every company. For example, think of:

Professional - While important, this is often seen as a basic expectation and does not really differentiate a brand.

Successful - This is an objective or result, not an attitude or way of being.

Qualitatively  - A foundation and a broad and subjective concept that is used too often and has little distinctive power.

Trustworthy  - Like professionalism, reliability is often expected and is not specific enough to reflect a unique attitude.

Efficient  - Although positive, this describes more of a way of working than a brand personality.

Durable  - This is more of a principle or objective than an attitude. It does indicate important values but says little about the personality or approach of a company.

Flexible  - This describes an operational capability rather than a unique attitude or way of communicating.

Customer-oriented  - Although essential, this is a basic expectation of any business and does not really differentiate it in terms of attitude.

Accessible  - This word describes a characteristic or policy rather than a distinctive way of being or communicating.

Transparent  - Just like accessibility and customer focus, transparency is now a basic expectation and not a unique attitude.

Responsible  - This is a value or principle expected of every company, not a differentiator.

Driven  - While this is a positive trait, it is too vague and general to serve as a unique attitude.

Passionvol - Passion is important, but as a stand-alone word it is too general and insufficiently specific to describe the unique image of a company.

Authentic - Authenticity is essential, but it is so widely used that it has lost its power as a differentiator. In addition, authenticity is a consequence of a thoroughly implemented attitude.

The importance of a well-defined attitude of a company

Defining a company's attitude requires a deep understanding of what your brand represents and how it wants to position itself in the market. It goes beyond simply choosing a set of positive adjectives; it requires thoughtful consideration of how you want your brand to be experienced and remembered.

An effective attitude is authentic and consistent in all expressions of the brand, from customer service to marketing campaigns, from internal communications to product development. It serves as the common thread that connects your customers' experiences with your brand, helping them understand not only what you do, but how and why you do it.

When choosing the right attitude for your business, consider not only what is distinctive and attractive to your target group, but also what is sustainable and feasible for your team to deliver. It should be a natural expression of your company's identity and culture, something that your team can wear and express with pride.

What is the difference between an attitude and brand identity?

The difference between an attitude and a brand identity lies in the focus and manifestation of how a brand presents itself and communicates with its target group. Both concepts are crucial to building a strong and recognizable brand, but they serve different aspects of the brand experience.

Attitude focuses on the emotional, psychological, and behavioral side of a brand. It is about the personality of the brand, the values ​​it conveys, and the tone of the communication. Attitude influences how a brand interacts with its customers, the brand's voice, and the overall attitude or feeling the brand wants to convey. This aspect determines the emotional connection and relationship that the brand builds with its audience. The attitude of a brand is the foundation on which the brand experience is built and is essential for defining the core messages and the communication strategy.

Brand identity, on the other hand, is the visual and physical appearance of the brand. It includes all the tangible elements that make the brand identifiable, such as logos, color schemes, typography, packaging, and other design elements. Brand identity translates the attitude and values ​​of the brand into a visually recognizable whole. It ensures visual consistency across different media and touchpoints, making the brand easily recognized by consumers and differentiated from competitors.

The main difference between these two concepts is that the attitude of a brand is about the 'soul' and 'character' of the brand, the way the brand 'feels' and 'speaks', while the brand identity is the 'look'. ' and 'appearance', the way in which the brand is 'seen'. First, the attitude must be defined because it provides the guidelines for the development of the brand identity. Together they form a complete brand experience, where the attitude creates the emotional connection and the brand identity ensures visual recognition and consistency.


What'senterprise attitude?

Corporate attitude refers to a company's way of communicating and acting. It includes personality, values, and tone of communication, influenced by both language and body language within a business context.

Why is defining an entrepreneurial attitude important?

Defining an entrepreneurial attitude is essential for building a recognizable and consistent brand experience. It helps form an emotional connection with the audience and supports brand identity and positioning in the market.

How do you determine the right entrepreneurial attitude?

Determining the right corporate attitude requires a deep understanding of the company's vision, mission, purpose (Big WHY), entity, products and services, and core strategy. Based on this, you choose an attitude that is both authentic for the company and effective in external communication. This process ensures that the chosen attitude supports and reinforces the overall goals and values ​​of the company.

Can examples of entrepreneurial attitudes be given?

Examples of entrepreneurial attitudes are "We radiate fun", "We are self-confident", "We are wise leaders", "We are adventurous", and "We are innovative thinkers". These attitudes reflect the company's unique personality and approach in their communications and actions.

What is the connection between entrepreneurial attitude and brand identity?

Corporate attitude and brand identity are closely linked; attitude forms the emotional and psychological basis of how a company wants to be perceived and experienced, while brand identity manifests this concept visually and physically. The attitude influences the tone and style of communication, while the brand identity ensures a consistent visual presentation that matches this communication style. Together they create a holistic brand experience that encompasses both the inner values ​​and the outward appearance of the brand.

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